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A Beginner's Guide to Building Insurance

Becoming a new homeowner is an exciting yet nerve-racking experience. You've put in a lot of effort to reach this significant milestone in your life, and safeguarding your investment is paramount. As you approach the final stages of homeownership, it's crucial to find the right insurance that aligns with your needs and budget. With the appropriate home insurance, you can safeguard more than just your house, you’re safeguarding your home. To assist you in making an informed decision, we've compiled a concise list of benefits to consider when searching for insurance.

What Building Insurance does cover:

  • Financial Liability Protection: Imagine the devastating scenario of losing your home to an accidental fire or extensive storm damage. The resulting financial difficulties, stress, and burden could be life-changing. Having the right insurance in place protects you from such circumstances.
  • Detached Structures Cover: In addition to your house, other structures like garages, sheds, fences, and more can be covered for a percentage of your main dwelling's cover limit. If you require additional cover for detached structures on your property, the right home insurance policy can prove beneficial in meeting your needs.
  • Liability Cover: One often overlooked benefit of building insurance is protection against legal and financial liability in the event of an injury to someone on your property. If a person slips and falls, resulting in injury, they may seek compensation for income loss through legal action. Without proper homeowners' insurance, you would be responsible for out-of-pocket expenses, including lawyer and medical fees, and potential compensation.

What Building Insurance doesn’t cover:

While building insurance covers a considerable range of features, it's important to note that certain scenarios may not be covered under your building's insurance policy:

  • Non-approved Buildings: If you plan to construct a cottage on your property, ensure it receives council approval. Otherwise, any damage or incidents involving the non-approved building may not be covered by insurance.
  • Damage from Riots or Strikes: SASRIA cover, automatically included by your insurer on your policy, protects against damages from riots or strikes. Without it, you can't claim for damages caused by riots or looting. The fee is included in your monthly premium.
  • Home Contents and Personal Property: Home contents insurance and portable possessions insurance are designed to cover items within your house and those you take with you when you leave. However, these items are typically only covered if they are damaged due to a building-related incident.

When it comes to your building insurance policy, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want covered. By engaging in conversation with your insurance broker, you can eliminate uncertainty about your cover. Additionally, consider obtaining Home Contents Insurance for added protection of your personal belongings within your house.

Give your home the protection it deserves and experience peace of mind knowing that your investment is safeguarded. Contact us now at 0861 001 002, request a call back, or email us at [email protected].